Friday, December 10, 2004

My Hip Playlist

If I was ever given the honour of selecting twenty four songs for a Tragically Hip concert, I would have no trouble filling it with my favorites. In fact I had trouble because twenty four songs is not enough room to include all the songs I would want to hear. This is definitely an indication of just how good a band the Tragically Hip are. Below is the playlist that I would choose:

1. Vaccination Scar
2. When The Weight Comes Down
3. It’s A Good Life (If You Don’t Weaken)
4. Mean Streak
5. Silver Jet
6. 38 Years Old
7. She Didn’t Know
8. Bobcaygeon
9. Poets
10. Courage
11. Blow At High Dough
12. A Beautiful Thing
13. Fireworks
14. The Luxury
15. New Orleans Is Sinking
16. Grace, Too
17. The Darkest One
18. Music @ Work

Encore 1
1. Hundredth Meridian
2. You’re Everywhere

Encore 2
1. Nautical Disaster
2. Ahead By A Century

Encore 3
1. Three Pistols
2. Fifty Mission Cap


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual, an exceptional point of view on one of Canada's truely great rock bands.

I would be interested in hearing your opinion as to how you feel The Hip measure up against some of the classic rock bands whose music we are able to listen to on a daily basis from that wonderful station known as The Mighty Q. I am thinking of one specific band that, it just so happens, that both yourself and the writer think are one of the greatest bands that have ever come out of London, known as The Floyd.

Hole #17, Streetsville Glen.

4:05 PM  

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